Friday, 8 November 2013

Photographer four - Giuseppe Bognanni

This photo shows the formal element shape, colour and reflection. The colour is shown in the red of the cherry contrasted on the dark background. The shape is the circular shape of the cherry and the heart shape that has been created in the water. The reflection of the house is shown in the water but I think this ruins the photo as it is a random unintentional reflection. This is an effective photo for formal element as it shows a few different ones.
This photograph shows the formal element reflection. The reflection of the trees and buildings shown on the lake create the feeling of a parallel universe below the water. The photo is very pretty as the colours in the picture are very bright and vibrant.
This photo also shows reflection of the buildings in the water. The sun can be seen central behind the buildings creating an attractive photograph. The rippling in the water also creates a sort of pattern and the buildings also show lines.
The sun can be seen shining through the clouds onto the mountains and houses. Lines can be seen in the sun rays and housing. Also colour is shown in the roof houses, bright blue sky and the green trees and bushes. This photo is very unique as I think it would be rare to get a photo of the sun shining through the clouds at such a pretty location.

I have chosen this photographer because of the use of the use of formal elements and the attractive landscape photos that Giuseppe photographs. I especially like his photos when the sun creates an attractive effect on the photo.

This photographer will influence my work because I will try and use the sun and natural objects in order to create photographs. I also will think about my position when I take photographs as I think position would have been important to Giuseppe when taking his photographs.

Overall I really like this photographer because his photos are very attractive and almost appear as if they are fairytale, magical places. I especially like the last photo because of how the sun is shinning through the clouds creating a photo that could create many different meanings for different people.

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