Friday, 8 November 2013

Photographer three - Pete Turner

 This photograph clearly show the formal element of shape and colour. This picture is different to most shape pictures as most take photos from above the shape but this photo has been taken from underneath the shape. The bright yellow contrasts against the bright blue emphasising each colour and the shape of the circle and the pattern of the squares.
 This photo shows the formal element of colour and shape. The photo is all in a shade of blue as it is at night but it is slightly blurred showing the colour of the traffic lights around the street. The traffic lights and drain cover also show shape creating an effective formal element photo.
 This photo shows colour and blurring. The blurring emphasises the movement of the carnival and the wheel. The lights and colouring can be seen clearly on the black night sky creating an effective photo. I like the way this photo is taken because it shows the life that continues through the night in the carnival/ funfair and creates a very pretty, effective picture.
Lastly this photographer shows the vibrant colours of the sky, sea and bin creating a beautiful beach picture. Although this photo is showing the formal element of colour I don't like it as much as Turners other photos as a bin is not the most attractive thing to photograph and I think there are other things that would show colour that are more attractive than a bin. Although this does create a more original photo. The bin is almost central in the photo emphasising the colour changes between each object.

I have chosen this photographer because a lot of his work shows the formal elements and therefore should be good to use for my work. Also I think his photos are taken in a way that differs from other photography and his choice of things to photograph is different.

This photographer will influence my work because I will use the idea of showing movement at night because this creates an effective and attractive photograph. I will also try and photograph objects that are not usually photographed to create more unique photos.

Overall I like this photographers work because the photos are taken in a different way and the colours make the photos eye catching and attractive. What I don't like about this photographer is that the choice of objects to photograph are not always attractive such as the bin, I do however think that this makes the photographers work different to other photographers.

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