Friday, 8 November 2013

Photographer one - Daniel Kukla

 This photo shows the reflection of the surrounding area in a mirror placed in the centre of the photo. The mirror is framed with other things on the location. This idea creates a very unique photograph and this technique is used throughout a lot of Kulka's work. Instead of the photo just showing one are of the dessert this technique gives a view of all around the area.

 This photo slightly differs from Kulka's as this one is taken at night. It still uses the idea of reflecting the sky but in the mirror this time the sky is dark and the stars can be seen creating a very beautiful photo.
 In this photo the mirror is tilted upwards showing the sky this is very clever because now not only the land can be seen the sky can also. The emptiness and plainness of the sky creates a contrast compared to the dessert which is full of catuses. The mirror is once again framed by the location but is slightly of centre.
This photograph shows the reflection of the rocky terrain in the dessert which is also shown in closer detail in the direct picture. The photo once again creates contrast between what is reflected and what can be seen around the mirror. In the mirror the sky and land is very bright and looks as if in day light but the land surrounding the mirror is dark so I think it must be in some kind of lower ground where the light is cut of a little bit.

I have chosen this photographer because of his very unique way of capturing scenes in his photos. He uses the formal element of reflection in order to create these effective photographs. I also really enjoyed looking at these photos as they really give you the feel of being in a place like the dessert.

This photographer has influenced my work because I would quite like to try this method but in a different way, I would like to make my work similar to this because of the uniqueness of this idea.

Overall I like this photographers work because he uses a very unique way of showing the landscape. I think it shows how not all of the area is the same all the way round and they are very interesting photographs because you can see the whole surrounding area.

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