Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Definition: Colour

Dictionary definition
An attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths
The aspect of visual perception by which an observer recognizes this attribute.

Describing words

  • Bright
  • Powerful
  • Neon
  • Dull
  • shades
  • multicolour
  • opaque
 The colour in this photo is in the background, it is very bright and this is a contrast compared to the bike which appears to be the centre of the photo.
This photograph has a contrast of very bright colours. The background of the photo is very dull emphasising that the main point of focus is the dresses, tights and shoes.
 The colour in this photograph is very bright and it is clear that the houses are the intended main point of focus. In contrast to this the cars and road are very dull colours emphasising the brightness of the other colours.
The background of this photograph has been edited to be grey, this then brings the eye to the main point of focus which is the sweets.

My definition
Colour can be bright and vibrant in order to attract the eye. It is many shades and there is no limit to the range of colours.

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