Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Definition: Depth

Dictionary definition
The distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
Distance from the nearest to the farthest point of something or from the front to the back.

Describing words

  • Hollow
  • Deep
  • width
  • length
  • shallow
Depth is shown in this picture by the bottles becoming in less focus as they go further back.

Depth is shown in the photograph by the boats at the front being very clear and in focus, as the photo goes further back the focus becomes less focussed.
 Depth is shown in this photograph by the path getting smaller the further back the photo goes, also the photos gets less and less out of focus as the photograph goes back. Also the size of the background houses compared to the foreground shows the depth.
The front car in this photograph is in focus, as the cars go back the focus becomes less clear showing the depth.

My definition
My definition of depth is the length from the front to back. The foreground to the background. The distance from the front object to the back object.

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