To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.
To smear or stain; smudge.
Describing words
- Fuzzy
- Smear
- Stain
- Smudge
- Hazy
- Indistinct
- Misty
- Out of focus
- Distorted
This image uses blurring in order to emphasize speed. The background is totally blurry but the dog is slightly more in focus, this shows that the dog is the main veiwing point in the picture.
In this image the seat and the teddy bear are in focus and the background is out of focus. This shows that either the teddy is stationary and the background is moving around it or the background is stationary and the bear is moving but the camera is moving as the bear does. Becaus this image is very blurred this tells us that the movement is very fast and is distorting the rest of the image.
This image is taken from afar, the vehicles in the picture are blurred in order to emphasize the movement and speed. This also shows how the city is full of movement but the buildings are stationary.
The background of this image is blurred showing the movement and speed of the car. The car is more in focus than the rest of the picture suggesting that the camera is moving in line with the car.
My definition
Blurring is when a photo is out of focus to achieve a particular effect. For example speed. In blurred photos you can usually see what the picture is of but some will be distorted.
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