Stand or be positioned at intervals along: "a processional route lined by people waving flags"
A mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page.
Describing words
- Thin
- Long
- Continuous
- Diagonal
- Parallel
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Simple
- Black
- Curved
- Narrow

The lines that feature in this photo are strait, and curved. The railway track and station is made up of many lines all joined together creating the picture. The roof of the station is made up of regular curved lines creating an arched effect.
This photograph features mostly curved lines. The road is very wavy which is not typically how a road would be photographed. The yellow line in the centre of the road exentuates curves of the road and also show that the road curves upwards as a hill as well as round bends.
This photo features strait lines going diagonaly and vertically within these lines smaller horizontal lines can be seen adding detail to the photograph.
This photograph shows strait lines going diagonally and creating parralel lines. The windmill is also made up of strait lines going diagonally.
My definition
Lines can be strait, curved, diagonal etc. They feature everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes.
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