Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Image bank: Lines

This photograph shows many straight lines going horizontally, vertically and diagonally. The railway lines and cables are entirely made up of lines meeting at different angles. All of the lines in this picture make it look very bland and standard, this can be connected with the commuting workers which are the main users of the railway.
This photograph is made up of Curved lines on the ceiling and strait vertical lines making the pillars. Smaller horizontal lines can also be seen making the ceiling. This picture is quite complex but does not include any obvious main point of focus although there is the women but she does not catch the eye due to her being in the same dull colours as the building and her tall upright stature masks her more.
The buildings in this picture are made up of strait vertical and horizontal lines meeting at different points of all different sizes. The bridge's bold, dark structure is made up of many tiny lines and is the main point of focus in this picture. Curved lines can be seen on the boats and smaller objects in the photo.
Strait vertical and horizontal lines make up the bricks on the floor and the buildings. The steps and hand rail are made up of curved lines creating a contrast between the bland building and outside.
The bench has curved lines on the handle creating a decorative feature which draws the eye in. The seat part of the bench is made up with vertical lines contrasting with the arm of the bench.
The trees are made up of vertical lines, these are not perfectly strait but still give this impression. The path curves slightly to the left instead of being dead strait creating a bit more of an enigma. The branches go in all directions mainly diagonal and the shadows creates new set of wavy lines on the path.

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