Friday, 10 January 2014

Work Records: Contrast two

Contrast (two)

In this lesson we were shooting contrast in the studio. I think this lesson went well because i think i got some attractive photos and they show what they are meant to. If I was to improve this shoot I would add other things to the shoot as some of the photos got a bit repetitive.
This is an effective contrast photo because only part of Adi can be seen so there is the contrast between her being there or not. Also there large amount of background so the contrast between the little bit of Adi and the background is obvious and stands out.

Although this photo does show contrast in the background and object I would change this photo quite a lot. Firstly I would make sure the top and bottom of her hand is visible and not cut off. I would also show her whole hand from the wrist otherwise it isnt really clear that contrast is the reason for the photo.

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