Friday, 10 January 2014

Work Records: Mapplethorpe studio

Mapplethorpe Style (studio)
In this lesson we watched and took notes on a video about the photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. We then went to the studio and did a shoot inspired by the work we had seen by the photographer. Although the photographers work was not my favourite I think the shoot went well and Mapplethorpes style was reflected in my work.
I like this photograph because Beth seems to show a lot of emotion in the photo through her facial expression and body language. I also like the fact that she is not central so the background is shown to have some importance.

I like this photograph because Beth's facial expression is very powerful but it is not clear what emotion she is feeling in the photograph. I think she shows up well and stands out against the dark background making her the focus in the photo. I also think that her skin tone looks very nice in the photograph.
This photo isn't very good because it is too dark and therefore we are unsure what is actually happening in the photo. The body language is good but because Beth's hair is dark her head almost completely disappears against the dark background.

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